Why Most Agile Adoptions Fail
This short video introduces some ideas that will help us map why we can’t get agile going and take effective steps to actually succeed with it.
This short video introduces some ideas that will help us map why we can’t get agile going and take effective steps to actually succeed with it.
There are a lot of benefits with having the testers in the Scrum teams working side by side with the developers, and not in a separate test team. However, there are also some negative aspects that can endanger the quality of the work the testers are doing.
Today’s market is rapidly changing. Equipped users no longer accept or buy tools not reflecting perfectly their needs and buy instead “+1” recommended products providing “delight factor”. Typical company introduces structured and hierarchical organization in order to deal with complex task decomposition.
Tom Gilb presents the limitations and dangers of using Agile user stories to describe and manage requirements at the Smidig 2012 conference in Oslo.
Refactoring can pry panic’s fingers away from your poor, overburdened adrenal glands and restore your sanity. Not that it went missing, of course. Never that!
The most important question to be asked when developing a new software system is “How will we replace it?” It is however a question seldom asked. Instead organization focus on reusability, which unfortunately helps create rigid and inflexible architectures. The talk shows how to design systems made up of small …