Today’s market is rapidly changing. Equipped users no longer accept or buy tools not reflecting perfectly their needs and buy instead “+1” recommended products providing “delight factor”. Typical company introduces structured and hierarchical organization in order to deal with complex task decomposition.
We have horizontal silos in separate Sales or Market, R&D and Operations units, and vertical management layers introducing another communication challenge. When we dig in with a simple question – “Who is your customer? What value do you create?” – people get usually surprised and don’t have confident answer. Fundamental understanding of customer need is desperately missing or not properly reflected in every day’s work inside R&D or Operations. Demand for speed and faster delivery generates more haste in the immature organizations and leads to half-ready solutions not delighting their users. As a result, your customers buy other products. In his speech, Roman uncovers how to radically change that without any “yet another major restructuring or organizational transformation”.
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