Agile Software Development, Scrum, Extreme Programing, XP, Test Driven Development, TDD, Feature Driven Development, FDD, Lean, DSDM, Behavior Driven Development, BDD, Refactoring, Pair Programming, Kanban

Selenium + FitNesse – A QA Multiplier Effect

This demonstration describes how Selenium integrated with FitNesse extends an organization’s ability to create more automated test cases without the need for Selenium programming while expanding the ability to test across all popular browsers. With FitNesse, QA managers, Product Managers and Testers can easily create wiki-based test stories that execute …

Moving to Test-Driven Development and Exploring Language Paradigms

Michael Feathers defines legacy code as “code without tests.” There’s a major qualitative difference when working on code without tests. Feathers’ job is to move software teams from their current process to a test-driven development process. In this interview he also discusses functional programming and other important paradigms that developers …

Learn how to Use Selenium with Maven/Ant to Automate Testing of Web Apps

San Francisco Java User Group presents Chris Bedford who talks about: – How to write functional tests with Selenium (including explaining its IDE, architecture, RC, and alternatives like Canoo WebTest) – How to set up Selenium testing for web apps in continuous integration using Maven, Ant, Cargo, etc. – How …