Agile Software Development, Scrum, Extreme Programing, XP, Test Driven Development, TDD, Feature Driven Development, FDD, Lean, DSDM, Behavior Driven Development, BDD, Refactoring, Pair Programming, Kanban

Continuous Integration: Improving Software Quality and Reducing Risk – Part 1

Duvall and Glover discuss their Jolt Award winning book, Continuous Integration: Improving Software Quality and Reducing Risk and illustrates how to transform integration from a necessary evil into an everyday part of the development process. Related material: Continuous Integration: Improving Software Quality and Reducing Risk (Book Review) Continuous Integration: …

Agile Database Techniques: Data Doesn’t Have To Be A Four-Letter Word Anymore

Data is clearly an important aspect of software-based systems, a fact that the information technology (IT) industry has understood for decades, yet many agile development teams are struggling to involve data professionals within their projects. The Agile Data (AD) methodology defines a philosophical framework for data-oriented activities within agile projects, …

Beyond Test Driven Development: Behaviour Driven Development

Test Driven Development (TDD) has become quite well known. Many developers are getting benefit from the practice. But it is possible that we can get even more value. A new practice is getting attention these days: Behaviour Driven Development (BDD). BDD removes all vestiges of testing and instead focuses on …