Agile Software Development, Scrum, Extreme Programing, XP, Test Driven Development, TDD, Feature Driven Development, FDD, Lean, DSDM, Behavior Driven Development, BDD, Refactoring, Pair Programming, Kanban

Mastering Continuous Delivery and DevOps

Did you ever hear about these new things called Continuous Delivery and DevOps? In theory, all sounds so easy and meaningful. In practice, it’s often hard to get started, both technically and non-technically, or to extend an existing solution to be robust and sustainable, and to span departments in the best possible way. This session shapes the core aspects of Continuous Delivery and DevOps.

We talk about NoOps and deployment artifacts, including gradual log-benchmarked releases and pull-deployment/elastic-scalabillity zero downtime deployments. The main part of this session is the interactively set up example delivery pipeline pointing to good practices, proven in many big and complex project structures. After attending this session, you’ll know the difference and interfaces of Continuous Delivery and DevOps, you’ll be able to directly apply many recipes, know how to integrate lightweight best-of-breed tools as well as know about common pitfalls to look out for. You’ll also be able to decide about what tool to choose, e.g. favor Chef over Puppet, or the other way round, and what’s important about binary artifacts and how to make them cloud-enabled.

In this talk, we explore the bleeding edge of Continuous Delivery (CD). We discuss log-benchmark releases and elastic-scalability deployments as well as pros and cons of tools, e.g. comparing Chef and Puppet. All these discussions are embedded in the main part, that is an interactively set up delivery pipeline. Our pipeline integrates a lot of tools including Git, Artifactory, Bintray, Maven, Hudson/Jenkins, SonarQube, Flyway, Puppet/Chef, Vagrant and Docker. After attending this talk, you’re on the bleeding edge of Continuous Delivery and DevOps.

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